+40 726.135.952

Leadership Accelerator

Leadership Accelerator Program


  • Facilitate strategic self - awareness
  • Identify behavioral tendencies to keep, stop, and grow
  • Identify key core values and motivational drivers
  • Identify the gap between the status quo and the desired level of leadership behaviors and drivers
  • Accelerate the personal change

Steps of the program

Step 1 - Completing the Hogan Assessments suite (online)

Step 2 - Reports Generation

Leadership Potential Report: based on HPI results; highlights day-to-day leadership behaviors and suggest actionable development recommendations

Leadership Challenge Report: based on HDS results; highlights potential derailing tendencies and recommendations for development

Leadership Values Report: based one MVPI results; highlights core values related to leadership

Coaching Report: Summary of all 3 reports and guidelines for development planning

Step 3 - Individual Feedback

  • Review individually key leadership competencies with high impact on participant effectiveness during the 1:1 developmental feedback session
  • Providing strategic self-awareness on strengths and areas for development with respect to those key leadership competencies
  • Discuss about individual core values and personal drivers that can support development and personal growth
  • Gain commitment for self-development 

Step 4 - Individual Development Plan

  • A certified consultant will help participants draw individual development plans after they gained insights about own leadership strengths, potential derailers and motivational drivers. 
  • Participants can have access to several coaching sessions with a certified coach.

Step 5 - Team Workshop (optional)

This workshop is recommended for managers, directors, and board level.

a) Understand common business objectives of the team, the desired culture and the needed leadership style to accomplish those objectives.

b) Discuss the team’s assessment results in relation to the team’s strategic goals  & challenges for the future (next 6-12 months).

c) Structured and profound team analysis facilitating team awareness about:

  • Strengths that lead to performance
  • Leadership derailers that impact the business
  • Culture identification
  • Facilitate inter-personal awareness and encourage team dialogue

d) Explains team functioning.

e) Facilitate alignment to key behaviors & values and creation of team action plan.

f) Improve overall business performance.

Step 6 - Coaching & Measuring Changes with 360° Feedback

  • Enrolling in an individual or /and team coaching program in order to facilitate the development process
  • Measuring behavioral changes through 360 feedback survey after  6-12 months


  • Individual reports
  • Individual feedback
  • Individual Development Plans
  • Team action plan (optional)
  • Team workshop (optional)
  • Coaching sessions (optional)



HDS Excitable: How Do You Derail?

HDS Excitable: How Do You Derail?

High Excitable people's high energy and enthusiasm can be an asset, but tend to fade quickly. At work, their volatile emotions will have their employees walking on eggshells to avoid setting them off, with mixed results.

HDS Skeptical: How Do You Derail?

HDS Skeptical: How Do You Derail?

High Skeptical people tend to be cynical and suspicious. Although excellent at navigating company politics, they are convinced their coworkers are talking about them behind their back, and they are always ready to retaliate for any perceived injustice.

HDS Reserved: How Do You Derail?

HDS Reserved: How Do You Derail?

High Reserved people are the lone wolves of the office. At work, they are independent and strong, but their indifference to others' feelings impacts their ability to work in a team, and makes for some awkward moments in the elevator.

HDS Mischievous: How Do You Derail?

HDS Mischievous: How Do You Derail?

At their worst, high Mischievous people are the silver-tongued devils of the office. They tend to be charming, but manipulative. They like to play it fast and loose, but are quick to throw others under the bus when something goes wrong.

HDS Leisurely: How Do You Derail?

HDS Leisurely: How Do You Derail?

At their worst, working with high Leisurely people can be a chore. Although they seem compliant and agreeable, they tend to procrastinate or ignore assignments if there is something they would rather be doing.

Ana Georgescu, MediaPro Interactiv
Very well organized and structured Selection & Interviewing Skills course offered me the chance to learn and develop new skills and competencies. Ana Georgescu, MediaPro Interactiv
Magdalena Vrajitoru, RBS Romania
We have been developed and run with HART Consulting several assessment and development centers during 2007 and 2008. These projects goals were: Assessment of the managerial competencies for retail and corporate banking employees Selection for career progression (promotion) HART Consulting used different customized exercises, adapted to each profile of competencies. HART has conducted
Alexandra Crihana, Oracle Romania
With participation in the Hogan certification assessment methodology made acquaintance of a complete tool in terms of information provided and reliable in terms of accuracy and validity of information obtained. It is a tool that can be used in various activities: promotion, recruitment, knowing better team, succession plans, development plans, plans motivation, etc. The tool is easy to handle
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