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Leading on the Dark Side

In the past few months, individuals and organizations tried to adapt to the current context and perform as good as possible. Managers strived to deal with own counter-productive behaviors and their employees. It is more important than ever that during this COVID-19 crisis to understand the crucial role of leaders.
Therefore, how can you help your managers to become more aware of the impact they have on their own, families and teams, how can you help them train their coping strategies?

Our 2 hours webinar on “Leadership and Dark Side of Personality: Leading throughout crisis” was already validated by more than 100 managers during last couple of months and helped participants to identify own counter-productive tendencies, their leadership derailers and offer them resources and time to reflect. The webinar provides participants with coaching tips and valuable insights on how to identify this behaviors of their team members and how can provide support.

Please find the agenda below:

  • What we know about crisis and leadership
  • What is the “dark side” and what triggers these responses
  • 11 patterns of “dark side” behavioral responses
  • How to recognize own derailers and their consequences on others (teams and family)
  • Self -awareness & self -monitoring: practical advice on how to manage own derailments
Irina Iorga, Oracle Romania
Interesul de a invata si obtine o certificare in Hogan a venit dupa ce am studiat beneficiile pe care le ofera acest instrument prin oferirea unui profil clar si la obiect despre abilitatile si preferintele individuale relevante in activitatea profesionala. Avand o validitate buna, el poate fi aplicat pe o plaja larga de subiecti generand profile relevante pentru orientarea si dezvoltarea
Theodor Filos, VIP Romania
Un curs interactiv de o reala calitate care vine in sprijinul profesionistilor din domeniul resurselor umane cu exemple clare si concise de metode ce pot usura si eficientiza procesul de recrutare. Theodor Filos, VIP Romania
Mihaela Feodorof, Executive Coach and Business Consultant, www.performanceway.ro
Folosesc de 10 ani Hogan Assessment in proiecte de dezvoltare organizationale sau individuale. Profilele ma ajuta sa identific oportunitatile si sa propun solutiile potrivite, dar ce este cel mai important poate este ca acestea sunt imbratisate de client. Hogan Assessment este o radiografie clara a modului in care comportamentele sunt corelate cu obiectivele persoanei. Certificarea Hogan este un
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