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Leading on the Dark Side

In the past few months, individuals and organizations tried to adapt to the current context and perform as good as possible. Managers strived to deal with own counter-productive behaviors and their employees. It is more important than ever that during this COVID-19 crisis to understand the crucial role of leaders.
Therefore, how can you help your managers to become more aware of the impact they have on their own, families and teams, how can you help them train their coping strategies?

Our 2 hours webinar on “Leadership and Dark Side of Personality: Leading throughout crisis” was already validated by more than 100 managers during last couple of months and helped participants to identify own counter-productive tendencies, their leadership derailers and offer them resources and time to reflect. The webinar provides participants with coaching tips and valuable insights on how to identify this behaviors of their team members and how can provide support.

Please find the agenda below:

  • What we know about crisis and leadership
  • What is the “dark side” and what triggers these responses
  • 11 patterns of “dark side” behavioral responses
  • How to recognize own derailers and their consequences on others (teams and family)
  • Self -awareness & self -monitoring: practical advice on how to manage own derailments
Mirela Stere, Macromex
HART este un partener de incredere, profesionist, flexibil, care a inteles filosofia si modelul de business din Macromex si care a raspuns de fiecare data pozitiv tuturor solicitarilor noastre. HART a livrat rezultate de calitate “just in time” – asa cum are nevoie o companie ce desfasoara servicii de import si distributie, ca Macromex. Mirela Stere, Macromex
Dana Cazac, Dr. Reddys Laboratories Romania
Poate fi pus in practica imediat. Un real ajutor in a descoperi ce ai facut bine si ce mai ai de imbunatatit.
Irina Chende, Carrefour Romania
Am colaborat cu echipa HART in implementarea mai multor centre de evaluare de-a lungul timpului, scopul fiind atat acela de construire a planurilor de dezvoltare, cat si de promovare. Am apreciat la consultantii HART flexibilitatea de care au dat dovada, profesionalismul manifestat in mod constant, rapiditatea proceselor pe care le-au implementat, raportul excelent intre calitatea serviciilor si
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