+40 726.135.952

New Manager Development Program

Assumptions about this program

  • If you are a new promoted manager or you are coordinating a new manager, taking the lead of a new team is a serious challenge.
  • Designed to acquire better results and more effectiveness even during the transition period and to manage and rapidly overcome it.
  • Based on the well known model, established by Bruce Tuckman, of group development stages (forming, storming, norming, performing), the period between forming to performing is a rough time both for the organization and the new manager.
  • Using this program you will skip the steps and go forward directly to  performing and you will gain more easily results that otherwise you will achieve in months.

Your Advantages

  • Gain insights about yourself, your team and the values in the workplace.
  • Discover how to gain cooperation from your staff, which are their psychological roles, and how your team members will derail under pressure and in tough times.
  • Avoid the problems that sabotage many new managers
  • Help your team members to become top performers and stay motivated
  • Achieve concrete, positive results right away 

To whom is this program valuable?

  • Newly promoted managers
  • Existing managers (less than two years) whom have never benefit a similar program 

Steps of the program

Step 1 : Assessment - Completing the Hogan suite (online)

Step 2 : Reports Generation
a) For the manager

b) Team Report

Five sections, showing how each team member's characteristics affect team performance:

  • Team Roles
  • Team Derailers
  • Team Culture
  • Individual Profiles
  • Individual Perspectives

Team Report: Team Roles

The Hogan Team Report identifies five psychological roles to which team members naturally gravitate and are necessary for a highly functioning team:

  • Results
  • Relationships
  • Process
  • Innovation
  • Pragmatism

Team Report: Team Derailers

  • This section identifies each individual's potential derailers, or characteristics that can impede performance when under pressure or become exposed due to personality differences.
  • If a majority of team members show the same tendencies, the behavior will amplify, undermining the team's performance.

Team Report: Team Culture

  • The report includes an analysis of the team culture, such as the individual values and drivers that guide self-focus and priorities.
  • When team members share the same values, the team can bond more easily and become more united in achieving goals.

Team Report: Individual Profiles and Perspectives

  • The Individual Profiles and Individual Perspectives sections provide a detailed view of the similarity of each person compared to the rest of the group.
  • The Individual Profiles use a summary graphic to compare individuals on a scale level, noting differences in behavior, derailers, and values.

Step 3 : Feedback

Individual Feedback for the manager:

  • Review individually key leadership competencies with high impact on participant effectiveness during the 1:1 feedback session.
  • Providing strategic self-awareness on strengths and areas for development with respect to those key leadership competencies.
  • Discuss about individual core values and personal drivers that can support development and personal growth.

Presenting the team report to the manager:

  • Reviewing the distribution of roles inside the team.
  • Understanding the individual differences among team members.
  • Identifying the main areas of development of the team.
  • Recognizing the team culture with respect to manager’s values.
  • Discussing the potential areas of conflicts and divergence and establish strategies to avoid them.
  • Developing an action plan in order to increase the efficiency.

Step 4: Team Workshop (Optional)

The results of the team report could be used in facilitating a team workshop so that all team members take advantage of strategic self-awareness, team effectiveness and alignment.

Structure of team workshop:

  • Discuss common business objectives of the team, the desired culture and the needed competencies to accomplish those objectives (exercise).
  • Facilitate strategic team- awareness about common values, strengths and/or derailers (interactive team report presentation and exercises).
  • Discuss the team’s assessment results (strengths, barriers and opportunities)  in relation to the team’s strategic goals  & challenges for the future (next 6-12 months).
  • Encourage team dialogue and interpersonal awareness (feedback game).
  • Facilitate creation of team action plan (exercise).

Step 5 (Optional): Coaching Sessions

We recommend continuing the development process accompanied by a professional coach, in team coaching sessions.

HART Coaching Network is a network of independent coaches that includes top professional in the industry of leadership development. The Coaches within our network mixt the business experience with experience in leadership development in organizations, by including the professional competencies certified by International Coach Federation with the expertise of the proven science of Hogan’s assessment solutions.

Team coaching sessions means that a coach will accompany the team in their operational meetings, focusing the team on the results they want to achieve, implementing delegative processes and roles, helping the team to collaborate and facilitating organic evolution - from forming to performing.


  • Individual reports
  • Team report
  • Feedback sessions (manager)
  • Team Workshop (optional)
  • Coaching Sessions (optional)
  • New Manager Development Program - HART Consulting
Ioana, Talent Attraction & Development, Manufacturing
The certification session conducted by HART Consulting proved to be a real challenge. The fact that I had the opportunity to interpret the result of my own test changed my vision on the connection between human nature, leadership and performance. The open-ended conversations, the practical examples from the trainer’s own experience, and the active socializing with the other course
Oana Condruz, HRM, British American Tobacco
Multumim companiei Hart Consulting pentru colaborarea de pana acum si o recomandam cu incredere, datorita echipei sale, care impresioneaza prin vasta experienta si cunostintele solide in domeniu.Calitatea si profesionalismul acestei echipe ii recomanda ca fiind unii dintre cei mai competenti specialist pe zona de organizare si administrare centre de evaluare, precum si pe cea de evaluare
Nicoleta Diaconu, Manager Recrutare, Regina Maria
Gasirea candidatilor potriviti este o provocare pentru orice om de HR, din acest motiv consider ca evaluarile Hogan sunt instrumente de masurare a personalitatii remarcabil de fiabile si precise atat pentru selectarea talentelor potrivite dar si pentru prezicerea succesului la locul de munca. Recomand cursul de certificare HOGAN, din punctul meu de vedere a avut toate ingredientele unei
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