+40 726.135.952

Interviewing Skills and Selection Tools

This online seminar aims to transfer knowledge and best practices for specialists and managers so they can achieve superior results in the selection processes at professional standards. 

Seminar content and the questions it answers:    

  • Planning the selection & evaluation process
  • How to define the selection and evaluation criteria
  • Selection based on competencies
  • Competencies operationalization
  • How to screen, analyze and select resumes
  • Interviewing techniques: behavioral interview
  • How to formulate questions to obtain relevant information
  • How to evaluate compatibility with the job and the organization
  • How to avoid errors in the process of selection and assessment
  • When and how we use the psychological assessment tools.

Benefits for participants:

  • Open environment, participants are encouraged to practice selection and assessment techniques 
  • The use of interactive methods ( role-play, group exercises, case studies)
  • Opportunity to exchange experiences with other specialists in the field.

The course is addressed to:

  • Human resources specialists
  • Department coordinators
  • Managers.


Madalina Balan is specialized in organizational psychology, psychologist, senior consultant and managing partner at HART Consulting. Madalina is certified in Hogan Assessment methodology, being the trainer for Romania and Moldova in this methodology. With over 10 years' experience as a trainer and consultant in human resources, Madalina has managed various projects on talent management, selection and development for manifold Romanian and multinational organizations. In the last 8 years, HART Consulting has certified in Hogan Assessments more than 700 people.   


For more details and seminar registration please click here.

  • Selection Tools and Techniques - HART Consulting
(Andreea Tiță, HR Trainee, Schneider Electric)
Cursul de Instrumente si Tehnici de Selectie pentru mine a adus structura si claritate. Ofera exact ceea ce promite. Faptul ca am avut exemple concrete dar si exercitii de lucru care sa ne provoace mintea a fost un mare avantaj. Am ramas cu multe informatii utile (foarte bine structurate in curs) de care ma folosesc si acum in activitatea mea si catre care revin atunci cand simt ca ma
(Theodor Filos, VIP Romania)
An interactive course, a real quality content that supports human resource professionals with clear and concise examples and methods that can effortlessness and make more efficient the recruitment process. Theodor Filos, VIP Romania
(Diana Popa, Angelini Pharmaceuticals)
It helped me a lot in creating a logical thread of an interview and not to repeat some mistakes that we made without being aware of them.
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