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Why is the HPI a measure of reputation

20 Noi 2012

People frequently ask us, “Why is the HPI a measure of reputation?”

Our answer is as follows:
1. This is a good question, people ask it a lot, and the answer goes to the heart of why the HPI is unique.  Other tests are designed to measure traits.  In contrast, the HPI is designed to predict outcomes, including observer ratings.

2. We don’t care how a person responds to any item (e.g., “I know why stars twinkle”).  What interests us is what the item predicts.  Another way of saying this is, when people answer True or False to a particular item, we want to know how other people describe them.  Generally speaking, people who say True to “I know why stars twinkle” are described by others as “curious, open-minded, quick, and possibly creative”.  Generally speaking, when someone like George Bush says, “I don’t know why stars twinkle, and I don’t care”, other people describe them as “dull, lacking in imagination, and intellectually lazy”.

3. An item like, “I know why stars twinkle” does not, in our view, measure a trait like creativity.  Instead, we use the item to predict observer ratings of creativity.  

4. The items on the HPI are keyed against observer ratings—that is, the HPI is designed to predict observer ratings, including peer ratings in a 360 feedback.  The HPI is a proxy for a 360, it is a quick and inexpensive way to do a 360, therefore, it is a measure of reputation.

Does the assessment provider offer any global off-the-shelf solutions?

20 Noi 2012

Hogan offers a number of off-the-shelf solutions for our global clients interested in using personality-based assessment solutions without going through the rigor of local validation. These solutions include selection recommendations of job candidates based on job family profiles, selection recommendations of candidates into entry-level jobs, identification of high-potential employees, and evaluation of employee safety. These products provide our global client base with efficient solutions for selecting applicants into a variety of jobs across the labor force, and evaluating current employees against metrics that can facilitate future organizational performance.

Can the assessment provider supply technical documentation to support the use of translated assessments?

20 Noi 2012

Once translation, equivalence, and local norming efforts are complete, Hogan provides comprehensive technical documentation to support the use of the translated assessments. These materials describe the results of these processes in detail and present psychometric properties and available local validity evidence to support the use of the translated assessments. In addition, every Hogan research study concludes with the delivery of technical reports documenting validation results and providing support for the use of translated Hogan assessments for specific applications.

Have the assessments been proven to consistently and accurately predict performance across cultures?

20 Noi 2012

Hogan has conducted in-depth validation studies to illustrate the validity of the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), Hogan Development Survey (HDS), and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) in predicting job performance across occupations, job levels, and industry sectors around the world. These studies cross six continents and numerous countries, client organizations, and occupations. Supporting these studies, Hogan provides Return on Investment (ROI) results to clearly illustrate the impact of using Hogan assessments for making applied personnel decisions.

How are assessment scores interpreted across cultures?

20 Noi 2012

Interpreting assessment scores across cultures can be a delicate issue, as norms based on scores from one culture may not accurately reflect individuals from a different culture. For example, a multi-national organization would need a common comparison group to interpret assessment scores of job applicants from multiple locations. To provide an apples-to-apples metric for these comparisons, Hogan uses a multi-language norm comprised of data representing many languages and cultures. These norms are useful for comparing individuals in applications where the scores of participants from diverse locations should be compared using a common metric.

How are assessment scores interpreted within a local culture?

20 Noi 2012

Assessment scores mean little without norms to guide interpretation. However, even norms hold little meaning unless a person is compared to an appropriate comparison group. For example, organizations interested in selecting job applicants inside Romania would be interested in how applicant scores compare to other Romanian instead of Americans or other groups. As such, within cultures we develop local norms by collecting assessment data on adapted forms of our assessments. Once sufficient data are available, we use these data to calculate itinerant norms, which summarize the local population. However, because these norms are based on the first available data, these norms may not accurately reflect proportions of occupational or demographic groups in the local population. Once additional data are available, Hogan calculates a stratified local norm to replace the itinerant norm, ensuring that the local norm reflects the demographic and workforce characteristics of the target culture.

Can the assessment provider ensure that translated assessments are equivalent to the original forms?

20 Noi 2012

Research indicates that nuances in languages, cultural differences, and other factors make perfect measurement equivalence impossible. Some assessment providers tout perfect measurement equivalence, but these results distort real construct differences across cultures as well as the cultural relevance of adapted forms. Nevertheless, global test publishers are responsible for ensuring the comparability of assessments across cultures and languages. Hogan takes this responsibility seriously, using a combination of techniques to ensure functional equivalence of items, scales, and factors, while maintaining cultural sensitivity and relevance in adapted forms. Once sufficient data are available for adapted assessments, we examine item- and scale-level statistics to identify any content that may require revisions. We also review the overall factor structures of the adapted assessments to ensure that they are congruent with those from the original assessments. These analyses ensure that adapted Hogan assessments are equivalent to the original assessments across all levels of analysis.

Does the assessment provider adapt their assessment content to ensure cultural relevance?

20 Noi 2012

Hogan’s primary goal in translation is to maintain the integrity and content of the original assessment while ensuring cultural sensitivity and relevance to the local audience. Other assessment providers implement literal translations, ignoring the impact of language and culture in the comprehension and relevance of their assessment content. Hogan, however, adapts our assessment content by focusing on congruence with the original assessment, but allowing local language and cultural issues to inform adaptations to ensure relevance to the local audience.

Have the assessments been translated for use in other cultures?

20 Noi 2012

Hogan’s assessments have been translated for use in over 40 different languages worldwide. In these efforts, we partner with qualified professionals and use a combination of forward and back-translation to ensure congruence between the original and translated forms of our assessments. In Romania the translation and adaptation was made by HART Consulting team.

Have the assessments been reviewed by professional representative bodies around the world?

20 Noi 2012

Hogan’s assessments have been examined by agencies across several continents. The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), Hogan Development Survey (HDS), and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) received favorable reviews in the U.S. and U.K. from the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements and the British Psychological Society (BPS), respectively. Hogan’s assessments continue to receive similar reviews in Australia, Brazil, South Africa, and Sweden among other locations.

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  • Faq - HART Consulting
(Magdalena Isan, Solvay Pharma Romania)
HART Consulting was our reliable partner in several assessment centers developed in 2008 with the aim to select internal candidates for career progression (promotion). The role of HART Consulting was to design and implement the assessments centers. The exercises used by HART Consulting were adapted to our specific organizational realities and needs. The reports written by HART’s
(Irina Chende, Carrefour Romania)
We worked with HART team in implementing several assessment centers over the time with the purpose to build plans for development and promotion. We appreciated the HART consultants flexibility, the professionalism shown consistently, the fast processes in implementation and the ratio between the excellent quality of the service and the fees. Moreover, the individual results following assessment
Adriana Pirvu, Learning & Development Coordinator Cargill Romania
We hereby confirm our successful collaboration with HART Consulting that represents Hogan Assessment Systems International Company in Romania & Republic of Moldova. Starting the beginning of 2011 Hart Consulting becomes a strong partner for Cargill in Romania. We appreciate their tools and services because they are perfectly integrated within our HR processes such as selection, management
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