+40 726.135.952

Screening Solutions for Blue Collars

To be successfully as a production company, you need a highly skilled, flexible and committed work force. We can help you with this. Using our screening solutions, you can be sure that you will hire only high performance candidates. Implementing psychological tests as part of the pre-selection process, you will save money and time.

It is important to keep in mind what are the differences between a high performance employee and an average one in terms of productivity. Imagine that your future average employee will be as good as the high performance employee at this moment. What does this mean in terms of profit?

This improvement is possible by using adequate tests that correspond with the requirements of each job.

With our tests portfolio, we can measure dimensions like:

  • Being hard working
  • Attention to details
  • Attitude towards work
  • Customer orientation
  • Working speed
  • Working accuracy
  • Vigilance
  • Reaction time
  • Visual perception
  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Fine motor skills
  • Memory
  • Technical compression
  • Spatial ability
  • Multi-tasking ability
  • Other human characteristics relevant to perform well in production jobs.

  For example, for assembly jobs we recommend the followings:



Duration (min)

 Sustained Attention


 approx. 15

 Speed and Accuracy of work


 approx. 10

 Eye-hand coordination


 approx. 3

 Visual Memory


 approx. 10

 Fine Motor Skills


 approx. 15



 approx. 53

These tests are required for assembly jobs that involve small components, like the production of electronics.

One unique feature that is important in any type of Production Company is the Safety Profile of an employee or predisposition for alcohol consumption. We can offer the Safety Profile from Hogan Assessments that can measure the predisposition of a worker to respect rules and supervision, to react cool under crises, to manage efficiently his/her emotions, to avoid unnecessary risks, to stay open to learning and training, to stay focused. In 15 minutes, you could find all these important aspects related to safety performance prior to hiring a candidate.

For more details about these solutions and available reports or any other customized solution for your type of industry and personnel, contact us.

  • Screening Solutions for Blue Collars - HART ConsultingScreening Solutions for Blue Collars - HART Consulting
Andrea PETRE, Learning & Development Manager, Carrefour Romania
Our collaboration with Hart Consulting and the use of Hogan Assessment tools dates back more than ten years ago, starting with the certification of a pool of HR specialists on talent acquisition and development. Afterwards, throughout the years, we've rolled out a series of projects together focused on leadership development for our middle and top management teams. Applying the Hogan
Mihaela Flamaropol, Raiffeisen Bank
In our company we use assessment Hogan instruments almost a year now, and we used it for both our colleagues proposed for promotion as well as external candidates for managerial positions. It has been established a correlation between the bank and the competence scales of HPI and HDS assessment tools, the profile of the person assessed has been observed and thus it were identified the areas for
Irina Zamosteanu, Ceramica Iasi
Ceramica Iasi started working with HART Consulting since 2007, common activities focusing both on the recruitment and selection of candidates for various key positions, and the advice and psychological testing. In this way we got in contact with Hogan Assessment Tool, a preformat assessing tool, highly efficient, which formed a solid basis for identifying and recognizing the strengths and
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