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Off-the-shelf solutions

Hogan launches: Candidate Assessment Suite

The most robust talent acquisition science in the industry, packaged up in the simplest user experience.

  • Screen hundreds of candidates at once to find your highest-fit applicants in seconds.
  • Make informed hiring decisions based on the most valid personality assessment science in the industry.
  • Identify high-fit candidates based on millions of measured workplace performance data points.

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Off-the-shelf solutions are selection tools and reports that are based on numerous validation studies. These kinds of solutions were validated for performance in general jobs or in specific jobs (e.g.: sales & customer care, managers & executives etc.).

These tools are valuable in offering useful information about the candidate in terms of work related behaviors and abilities.

Benefits of using off-the-shelf solutions in selection:

  • Are ready to be used immediately
  • Are efficiently used as screeners in selection
  • For several jobs like sales and managers, the tools were validated and therefore are good predictors of candidates' performance
  • Facilitate the interviewing process
  • Facilitate the decision-making process

Ideal for organizations where:

  • The cost of a customized solutions doesn’t make sense
  • There are not specific characteristics or requirements for a certain job.

For more details about off-the shelf-solutions for selection, tests and available reports, contact us here.

  • Off-the-shelf solutions - HART ConsultingOff-the-shelf solutions - HART Consulting
Mariana, Consultant HR
The Hogan evaluation tools are one of the most analytical and detailed tools with which I had the opportunity to work, offering allot of accuracy in constructing an employee’s profile. What impressed me is the intuitive and easy way of interpreting the results and in seeing the interaction between the 3 main tools. For a generous vision in understanding an employee’s profile, I warmly
Cristina Dumitru, HR Manager, Bitdefender
I recommend Hogan Assessments to any HR professional, particularly for selection activities, as well as career orientation and development. The certification course offers a clear image on the tools and manages in just 2 days to build the abilities necessary for interpretation. I very much appreciated the professionalism of the HART consultant, as well as the focus on practical examples and
Nicoleta Diaconu, Manager Recrutare, Regina Maria
Gasirea candidatilor potriviti este o provocare pentru orice om de HR, din acest motiv consider ca evaluarile Hogan sunt instrumente de masurare a personalitatii remarcabil de fiabile si precise atat pentru selectarea talentelor potrivite dar si pentru prezicerea succesului la locul de munca. Recomand cursul de certificare HOGAN, din punctul meu de vedere a avut toate ingredientele unei
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