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Case studies - safety

Laura Mihai, Talent Attraction & Development Manager, Tenaris Romania
For me and my colleagues from the Tenaris Romania HR Team, the certification course for Hogan Assessments represented getting close to a valuable tool, that we use at the moment in the company for selecting new candidates and for developing existing employees. We had the opportunity to attend a course organized and delivered in a professional manner, and the information and materials received are
Theodor Filos, VIP Romania
An interactive course, a real quality content that supports human resource professionals with clear and concise examples and methods that can effortlessness and make more efficient the recruitment process. Theodor Filos, VIP Romania
Camelia Mindroiu, Director de dezvoltare, B.Braun Avitum
In ultimii 2 ani am derulat impreuna cu compania Hart Consulting proiecte complexe la nivel de management si angajati cheie pentru care am desfasurat impreuna actiuni de dezvoltare organizationala.Am apreciat indeosebi faptul ca Hart Consulting a demonstrat abilitati excelente de project management, totodata dand dovada de abilitati superioare de analiza a datelor si transpunerea acestora in
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