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What are screening solutions?

Employers face a number of challenges when hiring new people. Recruiting the right employees is one of the most critical aspects in any business and this task has become more difficult to accomplish in the current conomic context.

Employers can no longer rely solely on candidate interviews to make a sound hiring decision.

Pre-selection or screening is a process that allows you to focus only on those candidates who have the potential to become a high performer and therefore it saves valuable time and money.

Using computer based screening psychological tests, you will be able to have the certainty that at the end of the process you have hired the candidate that best fits the job requirements and the organization.

Benefits of implementing a screening solution:

  • Getting  valuable information about a larger number of candidates in a shorter time
  • Investing time for face-to-face interviews only with the right candidates  
  • Selecting a large number of candidates for different job openings in a shorter time
  • Insuring  fairness of the selection process
  • Getting valuable information about what should be explored more in face-to-face interviews with each candidate.

For more details about screening solutions for your type of industry and personnel, contact us.

  • Screening - HART ConsultingScreening - HART Consulting
Mihaela Cristina Florea, Sef Serviciu Training, Generali Romania
The entire process of accreditation: the course, as well as the 1-on-1 feedback sessions offered after the actual course, represented for me o real learning experience: relevant, attractive, captivating, useful, obtained through a perfect combination between experience, theory and statistics. Now, after 2 years since obtaining the certificate, I eagerly await the periodic update meetings organized
Irina Iorga, Oracle Romania
The interest to learn and obtain the Hogan certification came after studying the benefits this tool offers by providing a clear profile and focused on skills and individual preferences relevant for professional activity. Having a good validity it can be applied to a wide range of subjects generating relevant profiles for orientation and career development. The course is focused on the
Oana Condruz, HRM, British American Tobacco
Multumim companiei Hart Consulting pentru colaborarea de pana acum si o recomandam cu incredere, datorita echipei sale, care impresioneaza prin vasta experienta si cunostintele solide in domeniu.Calitatea si profesionalismul acestei echipe ii recomanda ca fiind unii dintre cei mai competenti specialist pe zona de organizare si administrare centre de evaluare, precum si pe cea de evaluare
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