+40 726.135.952

Hogan Guide

The Hogan Guide is a 334-page resource that provides interpretative information on three personality assessments – Hogan Personality Inventory; Hogan Development Survey and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory. Based in decades of research and application, this guide is the perfect resource for understanding and interpreting Hogan inventories.

Chapter highlights include:

  • Origins of each inventory;
  • Fundamental of scale-by-scale interpretation;
  • Advanced look at configural interpretation within and across inventories;
  • Conflict interpretation;
  • Hogan Performance Model and competency interpretation;
  • Fundamentals on delivering feedback;
  • Building a development plan and coaching.

This guide reflects the fundamentals necessary for accurate and insightful interpretations.

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Samson Gabriela, Dr. Reddys Laboratories Romania
An interactive, constructive and practical course. Trainer`s attitude is to be acclaimed. I'm sure I will get the best results if I will apply what I learned during this course.
Ioana Neagu, Centrofarm & Plafar
An interactive course with lots of useful examples, held in a constructive and relaxing atmosphere.
Irina Somanescu, HR Director Grup, REGINA MARIA, Reteaua private de sanatate
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