+40 726.135.952

Personality and Personal Growth Workshop

Lory Kanceva, BASS
From our point of view, we can say that HART expertise in this area is a factor of recommendation, by the professionalism and seriousness in evaluating candidates. Regarding the organization of AC, the HART’s focus is to train the assessors, this factor representing one of the main ingredients in having a quality AC. In an AC every detail is important and we consider that HART’s
Nicoleta Diaconu, Manager Recrutare, Regina Maria
Gasirea candidatilor potriviti este o provocare pentru orice om de HR, din acest motiv consider ca evaluarile Hogan sunt instrumente de masurare a personalitatii remarcabil de fiabile si precise atat pentru selectarea talentelor potrivite dar si pentru prezicerea succesului la locul de munca. Recomand cursul de certificare HOGAN, din punctul meu de vedere a avut toate ingredientele unei
Ioana, Talent Attraction & Development, Manufacturing
The certification session conducted by HART Consulting proved to be a real challenge. The fact that I had the opportunity to interpret the result of my own test changed my vision on the connection between human nature, leadership and performance. The open-ended conversations, the practical examples from the trainer’s own experience, and the active socializing with the other course
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