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Leading on the Dark Side

In the past few months, individuals and organizations tried to adapt to the current context and perform as good as possible. Managers strived to deal with own counter-productive behaviors and their employees. It is more important than ever that during this COVID-19 crisis to understand the crucial role of leaders.
Therefore, how can you help your managers to become more aware of the impact they have on their own, families and teams, how can you help them train their coping strategies?

Our 2 hours webinar on “Leadership and Dark Side of Personality: Leading throughout crisis” was already validated by more than 100 managers during last couple of months and helped participants to identify own counter-productive tendencies, their leadership derailers and offer them resources and time to reflect. The webinar provides participants with coaching tips and valuable insights on how to identify this behaviors of their team members and how can provide support.

Please find the agenda below:

  • What we know about crisis and leadership
  • What is the “dark side” and what triggers these responses
  • 11 patterns of “dark side” behavioral responses
  • How to recognize own derailers and their consequences on others (teams and family)
  • Self -awareness & self -monitoring: practical advice on how to manage own derailments
Mariana, Consultant HR
The Hogan evaluation tools are one of the most analytical and detailed tools with which I had the opportunity to work, offering allot of accuracy in constructing an employee’s profile. What impressed me is the intuitive and easy way of interpreting the results and in seeing the interaction between the 3 main tools. For a generous vision in understanding an employee’s profile, I warmly
Cristina Hulea, Alstom Transport
I recommend to any company with the highest warmth to resort to paper certification team in Hogan Assessments evaluation system. This system is a very complex and interesting tool I used especially in recruiting and staffing selection with good and very good results. Due to practical examples we have looked at during the Hogan Certification methodology we managed quite quickly to put into practice
Samson Gabriela, Dr. Reddys Laboratories Romania
An interactive, constructive and practical course. Trainer`s attitude is to be acclaimed. I'm sure I will get the best results if I will apply what I learned during this course.
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