Select candidates that are likely to be strong performers!
In a competitive economic environment, the costs of an inappropriate recruitment process is much higher as compared to the investment in a high quality selection process. Hiring the wrong individual typically costs an organization 150% of that employee's annual salary. The cost of an inadequate hire is even higher for management level positions.
The HART Consulting team supports its partners in order to minimize such risks, providing HoganSELECT specialized tools for the employee selection process, identifying the most critical work style behaviors for top performance in a particular job within your organization. Our goal is to support our partners to select the most suitable people, by assessing personality, motivations, values and preferences, spotting possible behavioral risk factors in critical incidents, stress or tiredness situations, our ultimate goal being to assist our partners in making the best long-term selection decision.
Psychological assessment for personnel is one of the most valid and cost-effective strategies for identifying the most suitable job candidates.
The primary goal of any employee selection assessment process should be to predict the future job performance. Research shows that organizations that leverage the HoganSELECT tools have reduced employee turnover, increased productivity, and improved customer service.
HART Approach
Together with our client, we establish selection criteria in accordance with organizational features and job profile and specification. We take responsibility for the quality of assessments used for selection purposes, based on premium methods and tools used internationally: psychological assessments (Hogan Assessments), skills and ability assessment (Schuhfried), competency-based behavioral interviews and other professional assessment tools.
The benefits of proper selection process:
Facilitate “Positive Job Fit”
Promotes performance and productivity
Competitive advantage
Failure to support organization:
Minimize “Negative Job Fit”
Reduced performance and productivity
Increased turnover
Organizational citizenship behavior:
Facilitate “Culture Fit”
Embrace and promote organizational culture
Increase fit with other employees and team members
Criteria leading to an appropriate selection process:
Ability and attitude (personality) contribute to performance
Job-relevant “bright side” personality traits should be sought
Job-relevant “dark side” personality traits should be avoided (or actively “coached” starting immediately post hire)
“Job Satisfaction” matters
The higher-level the position, the more personality matters
Ignore personality, increase the likelihood of a sub-optimal outcome.
Hogan Assessments is a personality assessment methodology with applications in the professional area, renowned as a world class tool for the identification of talents, leadership selection and development.
(Georgiana Bajinaru, Avia Motors - Alto Syncro Grup) The first project that we worked together was to organizing and implementing an assesment center. Since the inception of the project untill the end of it, the things have developed in a professional manner.The way we worked with the Hart specialist on that project, convinced us to continue working for others projects too. Now the Hart company is a reliable partner for our human resources
(Angelica Mogos, ENEL) The Selection & Interviewing Skills Course was full of valuable information and operational exercise for the selection and recruitment operation. Angelica Mogos, ENEL