+40 726.135.952


The Science of Personality

The Science of Personality

The Phone Call

The Phone Call

The Bold Derailer

The Bold Derailer

Prone to hubris, high Bold people overestimate their strengths and downplay shortcomings. Although hailed as the hungry go-getters of the office, their tendency to take credit for others' work feeds their entitled attitude and alienates their coworkers.

The Leisurely Derailer

The Leisurely Derailer

At their worst, working with high Leisurely people can be a chore. Although they seem compliant and agreeable, they tend to procrastinate or ignore assignments if there is something they would rather be doing.

The Diligent Derailer

The Diligent Derailer

At their best, high Diligent people can help reign in an unruly office. At their worst, they are a real stick in the mud. They are meticulous, perfectionist, and critical. At work, they cling to rules and procedures, and tend to micromanage their people.

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(Magdalena Vrajitoru, RBS Romania)
We have been developed and run with HART Consulting several assessment and development centers during 2007 and 2008. These projects goals were: Assessment of the managerial competencies for retail and corporate banking employees Selection for career progression (promotion) HART Consulting used different customized exercises, adapted to each profile of competencies. HART has conducted
Stela Pop, Roto Romania
Am participat la atelierele de dezvoltare a inteligentei emotionale si la o parte a celor de conversatii dificile si deja simt ca sunt capabila sa constientizez mult mai bine propriile trairi, propriile nevoi si, totodata, sa le comunic mai bine celorlalti. Este uimitor cat de simplu se poate rezolva un conflict sau o problema in mod constructiv, atunci cand raspunzi cu empatie si cu asertivitate.
Claudia, Senior HR Generalist, Energy
Hogan Assessments helped me discover extraordinary things and extremely useful things when it comes to people interaction. It’s an instrument which has the capacity to offer valuable information on people, so as to create a concrete development plan for them. Also, it makes me very happy that I can easily “read” Hogan raports for external candidates, thus making better decisions
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