+40 726.135.952

360° Feedback

360° evaluation or multisource feedback is a method of evaluating employees using multiple evaluators inside the organization and outside the organization. Evaluators from inside the organization are chosen from different hierarchical and functional positions in relation with the person evaluated. Feedback is anonymous. 360° feedback is a widely used because multisource feedback results are more relevant than other methods and offers not only a picture of strengths and development areas in order to increase business efficiency, but offers a diagnosis of the causes.



Alexandru Fulga, Consultant HRD Dezvoltare Resurse Umane
Hogan Assessment Systems is a complex assessment tool that generates a series of reports for both the personality inventory and also for identifying preferences and trends in certain situations. At the same time is an easy to use and helped me develop my new points of view. I recommend using Hogan methodology for projects that require a complex evaluation. Alexandru Fulga, Consultant HRD
Corina Hostina, Centrofarm
An interactive course where you deepen your knowledge and then put it into practice.
Mihaela Flamaropol, Raiffeisen Bank
In our company we use assessment Hogan instruments almost a year now, and we used it for both our colleagues proposed for promotion as well as external candidates for managerial positions. It has been established a correlation between the bank and the competence scales of HPI and HDS assessment tools, the profile of the person assessed has been observed and thus it were identified the areas for
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