+40 726.135.952


Hogan Assessments tools are approved by the Romanian Psychology Collegium.

HoganSELECT. Make informed hiring decisions.

Pre-employment personality assessment is one of the most valid and cost-effective strategies for identifying the most suitable job candidates. By using HoganSelect for your employee selection process, you can identify the work style behaviors most critical for successful performance in a particular job within your organization.

Talent Assessment: By using HoganSELECT for your employee selection process, you can identify the work style behaviors most critical for successful performance in a particular job within your organization. You can use this information to design an assessment program that will strengthen your hiring decisions and provide a skilled pool of high potential employees to ensure strong leadership and succession planning.

Immediate Results: HoganSELECT results are delivered within seconds so you can quickly learn about a candidate's strengths and weaknesses on a variety of important work style behaviors.

Consistent Interview Process: HoganSELECT offers a variety of report options based on your hiring needs. Let us guide you through the selection process with customized, dynamically-cued interview questions based upon the candidate’s work style behaviors.

Hiring Recommendation: Hiring the wrong individual typically costs an organization 150% of the employee's annual salary. The cost of a bad hire is even greater for management level positions. Using HoganSELECT and our job-fit recommendation, you can begin hiring top performers from the start.

Legally and Scientifically Defensible: Our employee selection solutions are implemented according to appropriate legal and technical guidelines and yield no adverse impact for any protected population. HoganSELECT is validated through rigorous criterion-related validity studies and is consistently proven to predict job performance.

(Ramon Grigorescu, Siemens)
Eu sunt un psiholog organizational, angajat ca Recruitment & Development Manager in departamentul CP al Siemens Romania si, in ceea ce priveste utilizarea evaluarilor Hogan, pot spune ca am folosit Hogan Assessment Systems din 2008, si anume HPI, HDS, MVPI si integrat sistemul Hogan, ca parte a evaluarii noastre standard inainte de promovare pentru pozitii de top management si specialisti
(Adriana Pirvu, Learning & Development Coordinator Cargill Romania)
We hereby confirm our successful collaboration with HART Consulting that represents Hogan Assessment Systems International Company in Romania & Republic of Moldova. Starting the beginning of 2011 Hart Consulting becomes a strong partner for Cargill in Romania. We appreciate their tools and services because they are perfectly integrated within our HR processes such as selection, management
(Mihaela Apostoleanu, Oracle Romania)
Hogan Assessment changed my perspective on the people I work with directly or on the colleagues with whom I work in mentoring and career development programs. It is simple to use, logical and friendly with the subjects of the feedback. Allows you to correlate the feedback with both the individual performance and with the average segment that fits. With many personality scales investigated, and the
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