+40 726.135.952

Team Development Program

Constant pressure both on budget and operational areas is no longer news. The results of companies that operate in an extremely competitive market hangs on the way in which the team succeeds to effectively work together.

Teambuilding, in the classic version - most of the times in the form of a suite of fun activities and free time spent together, away from the office - is far from reaching its purpose.

The effects of this kind of program are shown on short term, afterwards all resumes to normal as nothing happened and the buget invested is lost without producing the desired results.

The Team Discovery Program proposes a different approach which starts with identifying the key elements for understanding the way a team works: informal roles of the team members, dysfunctional behaviors at team level in stressful situations and also identifying the common anchor values of the team members with the purpose of increasing the understanding of interpersonal relations, own and coleagues work styles, what each member brings to the team and the causes of conflicts within the team.

Program Objectives

At individual level

  • Gain self-awareness about behaviors and values that impact own reputation at work
  • Understand own informal role and the personal impact in the team 
  • Design an individual Personal Development Plan, focusing on behaviors that should be stopped, continued or developed

At team level

  • Understand how other colleagues behave and why, get insights about strategies of how to cope with those who have a different style
  • Gain awareness about team functioning (team strengths, derailments and shared values)
  • Team alignment and action planning: get commitment about what behaviors and values should be shared and reinforced at team level, developed or stopped, in order to be more efficient

Hogan Assessments tools are approved by the Romanian Psychology Collegium.

Steps of the Program

1. Communicating top down the development program and its benefits

2. Individual online Hogan assessments

We recommend the following assessments:

  • Hogan Personality Inventory - HPI (bright side of personality) - measuring day by day behaviors that characterize the way a person relates with others, takes decisions, communicates and presents herself/himself at work etc. At team level, this assessment explain team roles and day to day functioning.
  • Hogan Development Survey - HDS (dark side of personality) - measuring counter-productive behaviors that occur under stress and pressure and affect negatively relations and performance. At team level, this assessment explains team derailments.
  • Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory - MVPI (the inside) - measuring the personal drivers and core values that explain why a person does what she/he does, why a person prefers certain associates, what makes a person “click” . At team level, shared values explain the real team culture.

3. Generating reports (individual and team)
After completion of the online questionnaires, pre-agreed reports will be automatically generated. Reports will be handed to participants during the feedback sessions.

We recommend the following package of reports for non-managerial roles:

We recommend the following package of reports for managerial roles:

  • HPI - Leadership Potential Report (scale-by-scale breakdown of implications of individual scores, behavioral & leadership implications, leadership competencies analysis, development recommendations) 
  • HDS - Leadership Challenge Report (scale-by-scale breakdown of implications of individual scores, behavioral & leadership implications, leadership competencies analysis, development recommendations) 
  • MVPI - Leadership values Report (narrative interpretations of scores, leadership style based on own values, development tips)

For the team, we shall generate the Hogan Team report (team strengths, roles in the team, areas of development for the team, team derailments under stress, team shared values).

4. Organizing developmental feedback sessions one to one, for 90 minutes with each participant

Each developmental feedback session with each participant will be carried by a certified Hogan consultant and will focus on:

  • Strategic self-awareness: understand how personal behaviors in different working context might impact own reputation at work, relations with others and team functioning 
  • Facilitate understanding of personal blind spots and gain commitment for working upon them
  • Facilitate the drawing of a Personal Development Plan to be agreed later on with the direct manager.

5. Team Event: 1 day

  • Discuss common objectives of the team, the desired culture and the behaviors needed to accomplish those objectives 
  • Present the results of the team report to facilitate strategic team - awareness about common values, strengths and derailers 
  • Encourage team dialogue and interpersonal awareness and sharing feedback between participants
  • Facilitate creation of team action plan.


  • Individual reports
  • Individual Development Feedback Sessions 
  • Individual personal development plans (3 directions: start, stop and continue)
  • Team report
  • Team action plan.

 Ask our consultant.

  • team development  program, - HART Consulting
(Adriana Pirvu, Learning & Development Coordinator Cargill Romania)
We hereby confirm our successful collaboration with HART Consulting that represents Hogan Assessment Systems International Company in Romania & Republic of Moldova. Starting the beginning of 2011 Hart Consulting becomes a strong partner for Cargill in Romania. We appreciate their tools and services because they are perfectly integrated within our HR processes such as selection, management
(Irina Iorga, Oracle Romania)
The interest to learn and obtain the Hogan certification came after studying the benefits this tool offers by providing a clear profile and focused on skills and individual preferences relevant for professional activity. Having a good validity it can be applied to a wide range of subjects generating relevant profiles for orientation and career development. The course is focused on the
(Bayer Team)
Daniela Cosma: The workshop was extremely useful, on both professional and personal dimensions. Each of the team members gave honest, confidential feed-back on the others, without any tensions and in a constructive way. Since they came back from the workshop, there were obvious efforts made by each one of them regarding the path to improve their behavior and the way they work together. Mihaela
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